Gas Lift

Gas Lift

Results & Conclusions

Defining the Optimum Tubing Diameter 

The tubing of 3.859'' ID has been selected for the casing diameter of 6.969" ID  and Total Depth of the well, the following factors have been considered:
  1. The significant favorable effect of tubing size on the reduction of the injection pressure (tubular flow) for tubing sizes less than 5 in (figure 1).
  2. Insignificant (unfavorable) effect of tubing sizes on the frictional losses of single phase gas flow (annular flow) for tubing sizes less than 5 in (figure 2).
  3. The clearance required for placement of the gas lift valves (more than 1 inch).

Selecting Depth of & Volume of Gas Injection

After choosing the proper tubing size, 3 depths of contentious injection have been selected to assess the gas lift performance
  • total well depth
  • half of well depth
  • 3/4 of well depth
Considering the capital and running costs (figure 3 and figure 4), it have been decided to inject the gas at 3/4 of the depth (6220ft/8293ft).
The valves pacing design was then conducted using the graphical method (figure 5).
Figure 1: Contribution of Pressure Terms in Annular Flow

Figure 2: Effect of Tubing Diameter on BHFP Requirments

Figure 3: Incremental Oil Production for Unit Change in Compressor Horse-Power

Figure 4: ΔQo/ΔHHP for Various Injection Depths at Optimum Conditions

Figure 5: Valve Spacing Using the Graphical Approach